Saturday, October 17, 2015 – A great resource

Yesterday, after I launched this blog, I had some time on my hands and my Powerbook in my hands. Why not write something? And so, I did. I wrote a piece for freelance writers titled, Four Handy Ways to Build Your Freelance Writing Business. I sold it to a regular client, The piece will be published within a few days. At the helm is Brian Scott, a great guy and his site offer writers a wealth of resources and information. provides writers with a boat load of interesting articles, a variety of tutorials, videos, infographics and more. Plus, Brian provides a list of gigs for freelance writers. How handy is that? Also, Scott publishes a weekly (free) newsletter. If you haven’t visited the site yet, it’s a must do to help your career and writing in general.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Welcome to the adventure!

I invite you to take a peek into mine, along with observations and opinions about writing nonfiction, small business and probably some marketing and promotion.

A bit about me. I fell into freelance writing in 2002 at the request of a cohort. We were working on a Website, Creative Latitude, at the time. There were three of us, all graphic designers. When I asked my cohort who we could get to write the thing, she replied, “You write good posts and stuff. You write it.” I responded, in a somewhat nervous tone, “But, I’m not a writer.” To which she laughed, “Well, you are now.”

And so, it started.

I’ve since shed my graphic designer status for the most part. I still do some things here and there, but mostly I write. I’ve found I rather like it. My clients and editors are nice. At least nobody has tried to shoot me yet. I tend to write a fair amount of articles, so I get to choose my topics. And I’m freelance. Freelancing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but it’s what I know. Plus, as I write this, I’m sitting outside in the South Florida sun with my laptop at around noon. It’s nice but it’s still work. As someone once said, “If you find something to love, you’ll never “work” another day in your life.

Beyond the articles and post on various blogs, (insert shameless plug) I’m the author of four books – Starting Your Career As A Freelance Web Designer, Starting Your Career As A Musician, The Freelance Writer’s Business Book and Freelance Business Bootcamp: How to Launch, Earn, and Grow into a Well-Paid Freelancer (Co-authored with Carol Tice). All available on Amazon.

On to the blog. I’m planning on writing a fair amount for freelance writers – marketing your work, getting and nurturing clients, business practices (from the real world) and the like. I’m also planning to include much the same for small businesses. I’ve found in my adventures that a lot of folks are very good at whatever it is they do, but not so hot when it comes to business practices.

What would be really nifty are your comments, thoughts and opinions. I think of this blog as more so a conversation and not a monologue. So, share your thoughts. What’s important to you and what would you like me to write about? I look forward to hearing from you!